Thursday, October 31, 2013

A Healthy Body Matters

Weight can say a lot of things, however the one thing it cannot say is how healthy a person is or not. Just because a person has a nice slim body does not always mean that person is healthy.  It is my utmost opinion that health matters.

To achieve and maintain a healthy weight, I will be sharing on this blog a few healthy habits that has worked for me.  I eat mainly a plant based diet.  I eat at least 3 meals a day. Two of those meals are what I call smoothies. I am juicing but retaining the pulp.  The pulp is very nutritious and helps keep you full.  It's hard to stay on the wagon if you are hungry.

I have a quality juicer that retains the pulp call the VitaMix.  This machine does not have a 1 or 2 year warranty that you often see that juicers have.  This machine is a high performing machine.  You can go from juicing to making a hot soup in a matter minutes. 

Say no to unhealthy foods!
A diet is only going to be a temporary fix if healthy habits are not implemented as a lifestyle change.  

Behavior modification such as couponing, reading a book, or whatever else you might enjoy could offset mindless eating. Give unhealthy foods a one way ticket into the trash bin.

If you call my friend Janet at VitaMix 1(800)848-2649 x2316 to get a VitaMix machine and to receive Free Shipping give her my code "06-002222".  

Please don’t give up your weight loss, you just need a few good tools to implement healthy lifestyle changes that will help you get that weight off and keep it off.   

When my nutrition is up I don't experience a lot of food cravings.  I take a quality vitamin and mineral supplement 5 days a week. You might want to take a good multivitamin too. Our soil is so depleted today, it's difficult to get all the nutrients we need from the food we eat. 

For a good multivitamin for her visit, and for a good multivitamin for him visit

The Annoying Problem Of Cellulite

You diet, and then diet some more but those annoying lumps remain. You finally see a dermatologist and she says you have cellulite. Visually you can see that fat in cellulite look very different.  

Regular fat when squeezed if somewhat smooth in texture and does not show any ripples or lumps. There are effective treatments can lessen the appearance of cellulite.  Check out the product below.


Cigarette smoking is a huge factor in the elimination of cellulite. Smoking also contributes to premature aging.  Some people smoke because they feel it helps them keep their weight down.  

In quitting smoking there is also a behavioral aspect of using the hands as part of the smoking experience which makes it extremely difficult to stop when the physical aspect of smoking is not addressed.  

Millions of people stop smoking year after year, and you can be one of them. Check out the product below.

Why People Diet?

There is no one reason why people diet. However, I think one of the main reasons is to lose weight fast.  I think a diet works short term but if healthy lifestyles changes are not adopted the weight is invited back. The key, in my opinion, is to implement healthy habits so that when the desired weight loss is achieved you can most likely retain it without going on another diet.  

A good diet that's getting a lot of buzz today id the Lemonade Diet.  It is very popular with the celebrities.  Check out the product below.  

I like to start off any diet with a good colon cleanse.  A good colon cleanse I like is

Making yourself a priority means more that lip service. 

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